Online Counseling for Autoimmune Disease

Online counseling for high achieving women living with autoimmune diseases in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Florida

Have you been feeling like you should be able to do more and no one understands why you aren’t acting like yourself?

Maybe you’ve been living with this for years, or perhaps you just received your diagnosis. You may be struggling to do all of the things you used to do, or simply even doing small day to day tasks has been hard. Perhaps you’re feeling like you aren’t yourself anymore or haven’t been for awhile.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • You’ve been struggling to get through your work day

  • You feel isolated and misunderstood - no one understands what’s going on

  • You’re missing out on things you love, you don’t feel like yourself

  • You’re struggling coping with autoimmune disease

Counseling for Autoimmune Diseases can help

It may feel impossible now, but you can get your life back. You can start doing the things you love again. You can be successful and continue achieving. You can cope with autoimmune disease. And I can help you get there.

Counseling for Autoimmune Diseases helps you do a number of things including:

Build a foundation of self-care and wellness plan to better manage all that that comes with coping with an autoimmune disease (i.e. learning to be proactive, create rituals and routine, self-advocacy)

Learn tools and skills to be more attuned with your mind and body so that you can understand the symptoms that you are experiencing and what you need in the moment to start to feel better

Understand how our physical health impacts our mental health and vice versa

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to counseling for autoimmune disease comes from a place of knowing that you can feel like yourself again and from my own experience with having and managing an autoimmune disease: believing that by working together, you will feel supported, less alone, and have the tools you need to feel better, take care of yourself, and advocate for yourself - you will find yourself again.

You don’t have to live life feeling depleted and misunderstood anymore.

And I can help get you there.